Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Working group meeting on improving legislative basis in terms of fight against ill treatment

On June 30, 2011 at 11.00 in Hotel “Ambassadori” the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association  arranged a working group meeting for improving legislative basis in terms of fight against ill treatment. The event was held with participation of local and international NGOs and state agencies.  At the meeting GYLA proposed legislative amendments. The draft intends to identify legislative deficiencies and offer alternative mechanisms for the purpose of intensifying the fight against ill-treatment. Submitted legislative amendments entail the following important issues:   1.Effective investigation on the facts of ill treatment and application of a special legal regime for a victim – granting them extra rights;    2.Doctor /Expert’s right to access without special authorization for the detained; 3.Impartiality of investigation; 4.4.Granting extra  rights to the public defender and the members of special prevention group with a view to obtain evidences in a timely manner. The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association plans to submit for consideration the proposed  amendments to the Interagency Council against Ill Treatment.      

2011-06-30 13:44 See more

Statement of Georgian Civil Society Representatives

The Government of Georgia has declared the country’s integration with European Union (EU) as one of its major foreign policy goals that would bring Georgia political and economic stability, development and welfare. We, the undersigned, fully subscribe to this approach and to the extent possible contribute to Georgia’s approximation to EU standards. Unfortunately, representatives of the Georgian Government at times make statements that discredit European integration process among the citizens. For example, several days ago, one of the Government representatives stated that the price hike on meat that has been observed recently on the Georgian market is a consequence of European integration process. During the past several years, the Government of Georgia has been trying to initiate official negotiations on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). This issue was brought to an agenda by the Georgian government. The DCFTA foresees both the abolition of trade barriers and approximation of economic activity standards to those of the EU. If implemented properly, this should facilitate export of Georgian production to the European Union and contribute to increased foreign direct investments. More importantly, by introducing the European standards, the rights of Georgian citizens will be better protected and the standard of living in the country will be improved.

2011-06-28 15:05 See more

The Ministry of Interior satisfied the journalists’ administrative complaint

Legal Protection Center for Media under the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association provides legal aid to Nino Mikiashvili – the reporter of the media union “Obiektivi”.  On 27 May 2011 the journalist applied to the Ministry of Interior claiming information on the riot police that participated in dispersing opposition rally on 26 May 2011. FOI officer of the Ministry of Interior did not react on the application.   With the assistance of Media Legal Protection Center Nino Mikiashvili appealed FOI officer’s omission. On June 10, 2011 she applied to the Ministry of Interior with administrative complaint claiming to impose on FOI officer disclosure of the requested information.  On 27 June 2011, administrative complaint was examined at the oral hearing in the Ministry of Interior.   The lawyer of the Legal Protection Center for Media represented Nino Mikiashvili’s interests before the state agency. FOI officer of the Ministry confessed that he is obliged to disclose the information and in the nearest future he will submit requested information to the journalist.

2011-06-28 06:48 See more

NGO campaign claiming effective investigation of offences committed by the law enforcement representatives on 26 May

Part of Georgian NGOs will initiate joint campaign in the frames of which citizens will file tens of identical applications daily to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia claiming effective, impartial and comprehensive investigation and submitting of information on the investigation process on the cases of violations from the side of law enforcement representatives while dispersing opposition rally on 26 May 2011.   On 26 May 2011, while dissolving opposition meeting at the Rustaveli Avenue instances of abusing power from the Police as well as other signs of committing offence were detected. On 20 June the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia published information on initiation of investigation on the facts of potential abuse of power by certain representatives of law enforcement agencies.   On June 26 the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture a month has passed since dispersal of opposition rally, nevertheless the public does not possess specific information about liability of offender law enforcement representatives.

2011-06-28 06:43 See more

NGO campaign claiming effective investigation of offences committed by the law enforcement representatives on 26 May

To this end, part of Georgian NGOs initiates joint campaign and citizens will file tens of identical applications daily to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia claiming effective, impartial and comprehensive investigation as well as submission of the information on the investigation process.   On 26 May 2011, while dispersing opposition rally at the Rustaveli Avenue instances of abusing power from the Police as well as other signs of committing offence were detected. On 20 June the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia published information on initiation of investigation on the facts of potential abuse of power by certain representatives of law enforcement agencies.   On June 26 the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture a month has past since dispersal of opposition rally, nevertheless the public does not possess specific information about liability of offender law enforcement representatives.

2011-06-27 14:23 See more

Event of GYLA “Stop Torture!”

On 26 June, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association traditionally observed International Anti Torture day. GYLA arranged various events near the temporary detention facilities in Tbilisi and in regions. On 26 June, at 14:00 GYLA started simultaneous events in all cities where GYLA has its branch and regional offices, specifically in Tbilisi, Rustavi, Gori, Adjara, Kutaisi and Ozurgeti. In Tbilisi, the action was organized in Digomi, nearby the temporary detention facility No. 2.    GYLA staff, volunteers, students and other interested individuals took part in the event. Participants adjusted yellow band with the slogan   ”Stop Torture” in front of the temporary detention facility No 2. GYLA regional offices did the same near the detention facilities located in regions. The participants of the event were wearing T-shirts with the main slogans of the event on it: “Stop Torture” “Don’t be Silent!”, “Do not Conceal!”, “Do not Surrender!”, “Investigate!”.  

2011-06-27 14:16 See more

NGO campaign claiming effective investigation of offences committed by the law enforcement representatives on 26 May

To this end, part of Georgian NGOs  initiates joint campaign and citizens will file tens of identical applications daily to the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia claiming effective, impartial and comprehensive investigation as well as submission of the information on the investigation process.   On 26 May 2011, while dispersing opposition rally at the Rustaveli Avenue instances of abusing power from the Police as well as other signs of committing offence were detected. On 20 June the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia published information on initiation of investigation on the facts of potential abuse of power by certain representatives of law enforcement agencies.   On June 26 the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture a month has past since dispersal of opposition rally, nevertheless the public does not possess specific information about liability of offender law enforcement representatives.

2011-06-27 14:08 See more

Event of GYLA “Stop Torture!”

On 26 June, the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association traditionally observed International Anti Torture day. GYLA arranged various events near the temporary detention facilities in Tbilisi and in regions. On 26 June, at 14:00 GYLA started simultaneous events in all cities where GYLA has its branch and regional offices, specifically in Tbilisi, Rustavi, Gori, Adjara, Kutaisi and Ozurgeti.In Tbilisi, the action was organized in Digomi, nearby the temporary detention facility No. 2. GYLA staff, volunteers, students and other interested individuals took part in the event.

2011-06-27 10:19 See more

The draft of the decision initiated by the Mayor of Tbilisi comes into conflict with the legislation and Constitution of Georgia

Today Tbilisi City Council will consider the draft decision initiated by the Mayor of Tbilisi. According to paragraph 2 of the draft monthly fee for waste collection services will be tied to electricity bills and each household will have to pay 0.05 GEL for each kilowatt of electricity consumed. The provision contradicts with the “the Law on Local Fees”. Article 12 Paragraph 4 of the Law states that “fee for waste management service per family member should not exceed GEL 3 per month”. The new proposed method of calculating fee will, however, lead to a situation wherein some households will have to pay more than GEL 3 per family member and therefore requirements of the “Law on Local Fees” will be violated. Furthermore, the submitted method of identifying the fee contains no information on the waste and is linked to the amount of consumed electricity by each household monthly, which has no causative link to waste collection.   

2011-06-24 13:16 See more

GYLA will submit opinion to the Parliament on the pending amendments to the Criminal Code of Georgia

Pending amendments to the Criminal Code were submitted to the Georgian Parliament for consideration. It implies introducing of some new articles to the Criminal Code, as well as alteration of the already applied ones.  The newly submitted paragraph 2, of Article 3531   provides that attack on police officer, government official or representative of public institution, as well as on their family members; infringement upon the life, health or property in connection with the professional activity of the police officer or government official will envisage punishment from 7 up to 20 years in prison or life imprisonment. Composition of the aforementioned norm covers other already applied articles of the Criminal Code that is inadmissible in view of codification of the norms as well as common practice.  Furthermore, the maximal sentence –life imprisonment is disproportionate. Criminal Code of Georgia entails articles 117 and 118 that concern deliberate grave and less grave damage to health as well as Article 109 - interntional murder. Each mentioned norm considers “committing of such offence, in connection with the professional activity of a victim or his close relative” as separate aggravating circumstance. It means that attack on or infringement upon the life  and health of police officer or government officials shall envisage punishment pursuant to the applicable articles which contain reasonable penalties.

2011-06-23 13:23 See more