Working hours: Mon-Fri (10:00 - 18:00)

Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Calls on the Parliament to Refrain from Adopting an Unconstitutional Law

On 29 February, on the plenary session, the Parliament of Georgia will debate draft amendments pertaining to the civil registry legislation initiated by the Legal issues Committee. Under the amendments presented to the Criminal Procedural Code, prosecutor is entitled to suspend a passport of a citizen of Georgia without permission issued by judicial authorities. GYLA has studied the initiated draft law and addresses the Legal Issues Committee with a negative report. According to the draft law, prosecutor, in violation of fundamental principles envisaged in the Constitution of Georgia and the European Convention, is authorized to suspend a passport of a suspect without permission of a judge ordering measures of restraint (suspect is not wanted). The amendment entitles the prosecutor to restrict citizen’s right to freedom of movement; moreover, the prosecutor, without the decision issued by the judge, applies preventive measures against the citizen (disallowing to leave the country).  Georgian young Lawyers’ Association maintains that the initiated draft law contradicts the Constitution of Georgia and the European Convention and calls on the Legal issues Committee to recall the initiative. If draft amendments are adopted, GYLA will apply to the Constitutional Court. Please See GYLA's opinion (In Georgian)

2008-02-27 20:00 See more

Ten Pre-Conditions for Free and Fair Parliamentary Elections in Georgia

The NGOs which are planning to observe the Parliamentary Elections, publicize the following 10 pre-conditions for fair and free elections in Georgia. Ten Pre-Conditions for Free and Fair Parliamentary Elections in Georgia

2008-02-04 20:00 See more

GYLA Publishes Monitoring Report for 5 January, 2008 Presidential Elections.

GYLA Publishes Monitoring Report for 5 January, 2008 Presidential Elections. GYLA 2008 5 January Elections Monitoring Final Report

2008-01-16 20:00 See more

Joint Statement of Three Domestic Observer Organizations

On 7 January 2008 domestic observer organizations released a joint statement in which they emphasized the importance of post polling day procedures, such as consideration of election related appeals and final summarization of election results (including counting of votes cast through additional voter lists).  They called these procedures just as important in the election process as the pre-election period and polling day itself.  Accordingly, the four organizations called on the Central Election Commission (CEC) to administer these procedures transparently and in full compliance with the legal requirements.  Nevertheless, the developments after 7 January clearly showed that the CEC fell short in this regard: votes cast through additional lists were counted and summed up chaotically and with legal infringements, appeals were not considered thoroughly (the vast majority were turned town on the grounds of technical errors in the appeal forms), and in the end the final election results were announced without addressing the significant concerns and violations brought up throughout the election process.

2008-01-14 20:00 See more

Preliminary Statement of the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association with regard to final vote tally of 5 January 2008 Presidential elections

Today, on 13 January 2008 at 10 o’clock Central Election Commission officially summarized the results of 5 January 2008 extraordinary Presidential Elections. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association was observing 5 January 2008 extraordinary presidential elections. On 3rd of January GYLA published preliminary report on pre-election campaign and referred to numerous violations being observed during pre-election period. GYLA carried out its observing mission in certain districts and polling stations of Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi and Khelvachauri. As a result of monitoring process, approximately 230 complaints have been submitted before relevant Election Commissions and lodged with domestic Courts. On 7th of January GYLA assessed Election Day (5 January 2008) in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi as acceptable, however reference has been made to numerous serious shortcomings to be urgently addressed by relevant election and judicial authorities. It was indicated that timely and adequate responses from election and judicial authorities would be decisive factor for declaring the whole election process as democratic, fair and properly conducted.

2008-01-12 20:00 See more

GYLA Publishes Preliminary Report on Pre-Election Monitoring

THE GEORGIAN YOUNG LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATION 5 JANUARY 2008 SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS AND PLEBISCITE OBSERVATION MISSION  PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE PRE-ELECTION MONITORING3 January 2008 The present report is an initial version of the pre-election monitoring results. A final version will be published following the 5th of January together with monitoring results of the election day and election funds EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe 5 January 2008 out-of-turn presidential election was appointed and the pre-election period proceeded in very tight terms. Presidential election day was formally declared on 25 November but the pre-election period actually started earlier, 8 November, after former President Saakashvili made the statement. A significant part of the pre-election period took place during a state of emergency, against the background of virtual restriction of the media sources. TV Company Imedi, closed on 7 November, resumed its work only amid the pre-election period and again suspended broadcasting close to the end. In the meanwhile, the election law was amended twice (22 November and 7 December). These and other factors made an effective monitoring of the pre-election campaign more difficult. GYLA has been conducting the pre-election monitoring in Tbilisi and 7 regional centres (Telavi, Dusheti, Rustavi, Gori, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi and Batumi). The past period of the campaign showed a whole series of violations by political subjects, public officials and other persons, timely response to which should have become a precondition for fair and transparent pre-election period. Violations referred to in this report have constantly been notified by the GYLA representatives to both the Election Administration (by means of letters and complaints) and various State agencies and media sources.

2008-01-02 20:00 See more

Recommendations on the Work of the Central Election Commission from Georgian Non-governmental Organizations

The Central Election Commission (CEC) plays a crucial role in ensuring that the elections are conducted fairly and in building public confidence in them.  Therefore, the undersigned organizations recommend following:

2007-12-20 20:00 See more

Training “Freedom of Information – Public Control Tool for Journalists”

The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association by the assistance of the OSCE mission to Georgia arranged the cycle of trainings “Freedom of Information – Public Control Tool for Journalists”. The event was held within the Human Rights’ Week organized by GYLA. Two day long trainings 6-7, 8-9 and 10-11 were held in Gudauri. About 90 journalists, students from the Tbilisi State University -journalistic faculty and representatives from the “Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development” from Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe Javakheti regions were invited as participants. The cycle of trainings aimed capacity building of journalist that will facilitate them to acquire official documents from public agencies, to appeal unjust denials and to request reparation of  damage independently. Training agenda was mainly concentrated on:1. The purpose and significance of public control;2. International standards of freedom of expression and rights of journalists;3. Procedures of requesting public information;4. Types of secret information;5. Appeal mechanisms;6. Reparation of damage and relevant liability; The primary method of the training included practical activities and role plays. At the end of the training, participants were involved in different artistic activities and plays dedicated to various issues. On December 10-artictic activity was dedicated to celebration of Human Rights International Day.

2007-12-12 20:00 See more

Deprivation of the Property Right in Georgia

Within the Human Rights Week GYLA organized the round table: “Right to Property in Georgia”. Report prepared by GYLA which reviews international obligations undertaken by the state and submits critical analysis of the applicable legislation were submitted at the presentation. Specific cases of deprivation of property, on which GYLA lawyers are working, were discussed at the meeting. At the end of the presentation discussion was arranged.

2007-12-11 20:00 See more

GYLA Commenced Human Rights Week with Freedom of Assembly

From December 10 until December 20 The Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association will arrange the Traditional Human Rights Week. Today, on December 10- International Human Rights Protection Day, Giorgi Chkheidze – GYLA chairman assessed November 7 events. Giorgi Chkheidze introduced to the journalists the statement entitled “A month after November 7- Right to Assembly - Fundamental Right?” Initiated from today, including December 20 GYLA will arrange various events in the frames of the Human Rights’ Week.

2007-12-09 20:00 See more