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16 May, 2024

On May 14th, the majority members of the Parliament of Georgia acted against the national interests of the Georgian people and the constitution by passing the Russian Law in the third reading. This attempt to establish Putin's rules in Georgia is a betrayal of all our ancestors and compatriots who fought and are fighting for more than two hundred years against the Russification of Georgia. Before the draft law condemned by the entire international community becomes a law, the veto of the president remains, which the parliament must not overcome.

We declare once again that the Georgian people will not accept Russian laws, violent rule and separation from the Western world. We fully share the position of the President of Georgia that it is impossible to improve this law and the statement of the European Commission, according to which the law should be recalled. The law is no longer just a legal text, but has become a symbol of the government's violence against the people, intimidation and betrayal of the country. The legal consequence of deterring this violence and changing the western vector will be the personal financial sanctions that will be imposed on those and their family members who put personal interest above the country's constitution.

The will of the Georgian people is unwavering. Our ship is headed for Europe. We repeat once again - the government must withdraw this law unconditionally.

Yes to Europe!

No to the Russian law!