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19 March, 2018

Today members of the “Georgian Marsh” hold a demonstration at the building of “Rustavi 2” and they did not allow “Rustavi 2” journalist and lawyer to relocate by car. The demonstrators claimed that Giorgi Gabunia has insulted their religious feelings and for this reason they were asking for an apology from him.

Reportedly, the demonstrators also attacked the TV journalists.

It is important that “Rustavi 2” Ethics Council itself promptly discussed filed complaint.

GYLA calls upon all individuals to respond with legal and not in violent way in order to defend their own interests.

We believe that, based on the information disseminated in media, actions of the demonstrators have signs of the following criminal offenses:

Coercion - “Illegal restriction of a person’s freedom of action, i.e. coercing physically or mentally a person to perform or not to perform a certain action the implementation of or abstinence from which is his/her right…” The demonstrators were coercing the journalist to perform a specific action-to apologize for the broadcasted report, which was his right;

Illegal restriction of liberty - According to the disseminated information, “Rustavi 2” TV host and lawyer were limited to relocate against their will during half an hour;

Violence – The demonstrators carried out violence against the TV journalists, causing physical pain;

Damage of propertyDamaging or destroying another person’s property, which has resulted in substantial damage”. As a result of impact on the car made by the demonstrators, signs of this offense may also be detected.

Unlawful interference with the journalist’s professional activities - It is important that the investigation establishes whether the committed violence against the journalists intended to hinder them from disseminating the information.

GYLA calls upon the relevant entities to investigate this fact promptly and to make an appropriate response.